Cultural Code Words

Boyé Lafayette de Mente


in Ozark Hills, Missouri, The United States

November 12, 1928


Boyé Lafayette De Mente has been involved with Japan, China, Korea and Mexico since the late 1940s as a member of a U.S. intelligence agency, student, journalist, editor and author working out of Tokyo, Seoul, Hong Kong, Singapore and Mexico City. He is a graduate of Jochi University in Tokyo, and The American Institute for Foreign Trade (in 1953), now Thunderbird School of Global Management, in Glendale, Arizona, USA.

De Mente wrote the first ever books on the Japanese way of doing business (Japanese Etiquette and Ethics in Business in 1959 and How to Do Business in Japan in 1962), and was the first to introduce the now commonly used Japanese terms wa, nemawashi, kaizen, tatemae-honne, shibui, sabi and wabi to the outside business world!

His 70-plus other books run the gamut from language learning to the night-time “pink” trades in Japan, the sensual nature of Oriental cultures, male-female relations, and understanding and coping with the Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Mexican mindset in business and social situations. He has also written extensively about his home state of Arizona and Mexico. (less)

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Düşünür, Araştırmacı Yazar, Şair. 1983 yılından buyana ihracat profesyoneli olarak çalışan Levent Ağaoğlu, 1997-2001 yılları arasında Hong Kong’da yaşadı; yaklaşan Büyük Asya Yüzyılı’nın ayak seslerini duydu hep. İsmail Gaspıralı’nın “Dil’de, Fikir’de; İş’te Birlik” idealinin peşinde koşarak Türk Evi, Düşünce ve İş Ocağı kitap serileri üzerinde çalışıyor; mütefekkir ve müteşebbis gözlem ve birikimlerini yazıya geçiriyor.


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